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The Power of Small Changes 每天进步一点点

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and as quickly as he could I suspect that he may not have achieved this level of success or if he had perhaps he wouldn’t have kept the weight off? (Well it’s Leo so probably :). But if your goal is to get fit, lose weight or eat better start small. Start by cutting out one bad food item a month, say a can of pop or a chocolate bar, stop eating after 7pm (when we’re typically less active), start walking for just 30 minutes each day etc … after several months of a small lifestyle change you’ll notice a big improvement.

3. Decluttering and simplifying is yet another activity where we want it all done and we want it all done right now. While this may seem like a pretty easy thing to do (declutter and organize your space in a weekend), it really isn’t. You may become overwhelmed, stressed and make decisions you’ll later regret.
3. 整理和简化事物也是我们常常想一下子就完成的事情。虽然这些事看上去是多么的简单易行(比如,周末收拾一下家里),实际上却没那么容易。真正收拾起来你才会发现,它们常常会把你逼疯、令你郁闷、并后悔自己刚才的决定。

Alternatively, you could choose to tackle one drawer or one room each week. Make deliberate lasting changes that fit with the way you live. Doing just one little area at a time over the course of a couple of months you’ll be living in a more spacious and organized space.

The power of small actions shouldn’t be overlooked. While it may not seem like you’re making much progress or that what you’re doing is even worth it, in the end given enough time the changes can be huge.

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