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The Power of Small Changes 每天进步一点点

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The Power of Small Changes

Dream big. Shoot for the moon. Go big or go home.

We’ve heard it all. I’m all for making big changes, big advancements and big steps but too often we think we need to make them all at once. We have an all or nothing mentality.

Consider an angle. At the point the lines originate the distance between them is fairly small. Extrapolate those lines and the further you get away from the originating point the distance between those lines grows. Nudge one line out further and the distance grows, negligible at first but the further away from that center point the distance is even greater.

This is a great way to look at how small changes can result in huge changes overtime.

Here are a few examples of how small changes or improvements can yield big results:

1. Does having a $5000 nest egg seem impossible? Don’t focus on the huge value you need to save. Instead focus on making a small change. If you’ve never saved a penny … start. Start small and save $20, $30 or $40 a week. Increase it slowly as you feel you can. At just $50/week ($200/month) in 2 years time you’ll have your $5000, plus interest earned. Not bad for something that seemed insurmountable initially.
1. 拥有5000美元的存款是不可能的事情吗?不要总想着那巨大的金额,考虑你要存那么多的钱。而是该想想如何化繁为简,做些小的改变。如果你现在连一分钱存款都没有的话,开始吧,从现在开始,每周存20元,30元,或者40元。在你能承受的范围,慢慢增加存款数额。那么,如果你每周存50(或者每月存200)的话,两年之后你就拥有5000美元的存款了,还有利息。看来,用这种方法对付那些起初认为无法解决的问题不赖哦。

2. Getting fit is another area where small changes can amount to huge changes. Take Leo for example. He’s lost 65 pounds over a course of a few years.

If he aimed to lose that amount all at once

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