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Listen, betty, the press people miss business, they have a way of taking the truth, twisting it around, we always get to protect ourselves, twist it around oursleves for me too. 听着贝蒂,从事媒体工作的人,他们喜欢按自己的需求曲解事实,我们必须保护自己,必要时我们也要艺术地加工。
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本篇Listen, betty, the press people miss business, they have a way of taking the truth, twisting it around, we always get to protect ourselves, twist it around oursleves for me too. 听着贝蒂,从事媒体工作的人,他们喜欢按自己的需求曲解事实,我们必须保护自己,必要时我们也要艺术地加工。来自微语录网,更多Li,工。相关美文请浏览微语录网。