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What else is the whole life of mortals but a sort of comedy, in which the various actors, disguised by various costumes and masks, walk on and play each one his part, until the manager waves them off the stage. ~~~人生如喜剧,人人皆化妆假面,扮演各自角色,直到戏毕离场。
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本篇What else is the whole life of mortals but a sort of comedy, in which the various actors, disguised by various costumes and masks, walk on and play each one his part, until the manager waves them off the stage. ~~~人生如喜剧,人人皆化妆假面,扮演各自角色,直到戏毕离场。来自微语录网,更多Wh,场。相关美文请浏览微语录网。