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《美国恐怖故事》It's agony to let people see you so exposed. It takes a huge amount of trust, and for most of us, that trust was shattered long ago. 将自己暴露在他人的目光下是一种极大的痛苦。这需要巨大的信任,可以对大多数人来说,对别人的信任早就支离破碎了。
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本篇《美国恐怖故事》It's agony to let people see you so exposed. It takes a huge amount of trust, and for most of us, that trust was shattered long ago. 将自己暴露在他人的目光下是一种极大的痛苦。这需要巨大的信任,可以对大多数人来说,对别人的信任早就支离破碎了。来自微语录网,更多《美,了。相关美文请浏览微语录网。