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生活大爆炸》Don't try to reason with women. The existence of the creatures that bleed for seven days every month but never die is against the Heaven's law. 不要妄想跟女人讲道理,一个月流血七天不止还死不了的生物,在这个星球上是逆天的存在。
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本篇《生活大爆炸》Don't try to reason with women. The existence of the creatures that bleed for seven days every month but never die is against the Heaven's law. 不要妄想跟女人讲道理,一个月流血七天不止还死不了的生物,在这个星球上是逆天的存在。来自微语录网,更多《生,在。相关美文请浏览微语录网。