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《美女上错身》If the law s against you ,bang on the facts; If the facts are against you,bang on the law; If both are against you,bang on the table.如果法律与你背道而行,那就以事实说话;如果事实对你不利,那就诉诸法律。如果两者都不站在你这一边,那你就找张桌子发泄吧。
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本篇《美女上错身》If the law s against you ,bang on the facts; If the facts are against you,bang on the law; If both are against you,bang on the table.如果法律与你背道而行,那就以事实说话;如果事实对你不利,那就诉诸法律。如果两者都不站在你这一边,那你就找张桌子发泄吧。来自微语录网,更多《美,吧。相关美文请浏览微语录网。