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《美剧口语》I'll come straight to the point. 恕我直言。| I just can't think straight. 我就是想不清楚。| I could hardly keep a straight face. 我几乎忍不住笑出来。| Just give it to me straight. 有话你就直说吧。| He is a real straight shooter. 他是个坦白直率的人。
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本篇I'll come straight to the point. 恕我直言。| I just can't think straight. 我就是想不清楚。| I could hardly keep a straight face. 我几乎忍不住笑出来。| Just give it to me straight. 有话你就直说吧。| He is a real straight shooter. 他是个坦白直率的人。来自微语录网,更多I',人。相关美文请浏览微语录网。