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《美剧口语》Need a hand? 要帮忙吗?| I saw it first hand. 我亲眼所见。| Get your hands off me! 把手拿开。| I've got to hand it to him. 不佩服不行。| He's my right-hand man. 他是我的得力助手。| Things are getting out of hand. 事情要失控了。| Give me a hand.帮我个忙。
版权所有 微语录网 www.5yulu.com
本篇Need a hand? 要帮忙吗?| I saw it first hand. 我亲眼所见。| Get your hands off me! 把手拿开。| I've got to hand it to him. 不佩服不行。| He's my right-hand man. 他是我的得力助手。| Things are getting out of hand. 事情要失控了。| Give me a hand.帮我个忙。来自微语录网,更多Ne,忙。相关美文请浏览微语录网。