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《美剧经典台词》Castiel: I am an angel of the lord.You should show me some respect,i drag you out of the hell,I can throw you back in. 我是神之天使。你应该对我尊重点,是我把你从地狱中拖出来的,我也能把你再扔回去。
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本篇《美剧经典台词》Castiel: I am an angel of the lord.You should show me some respect,i drag you out of the hell,I can throw you back in. 我是神之天使。你应该对我尊重点,是我把你从地狱中拖出来的,我也能把你再扔回去。来自微语录网,更多《美,去。相关美文请浏览微语录网。