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《美剧口语》I just put my foot in my mouth. 我刚才说错话了。| You need to put your foot down. 你必须坚定立场。| They got off on the wrong foot. 他们第一次见就没给彼此留好印象。 | You're on my foot. 你踩到我了。| The shoe is on the other foot. 形势已经完成不同了。
版权所有 微语录网 www.5yulu.com
本篇I just put my foot in my mouth. 我刚才说错话了。| You need to put your foot down. 你必须坚定立场。| They got off on the wrong foot. 他们第一次见就没给彼此留好印象。 | You're on my foot. 你踩到我了。| The shoe is on the other foot. 形势已经完成不同了。来自微语录网,更多I,,了。相关美文请浏览微语录网。