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《suits》We kept laughing until I fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, she wasn't just my grandmother anymore. She was my whole family. (那晚)我们一直笑着,直到我昏然睡去。当第二天我醒来,她已经不仅仅是我的奶奶,她就是我家庭的全部。
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本篇《suits》We kept laughing until I fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, she wasn't just my grandmother anymore. She was my whole family. (那晚)我们一直笑着,直到我昏然睡去。当第二天我醒来,她已经不仅仅是我的奶奶,她就是我家庭的全部。来自微语录网,更多《s,部。相关美文请浏览微语录网。