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《美剧口语》Wake up, sleepy head! 瞌睡虫醒醒!| Don't lose your head. 别乐昏了头。| She turns heads everywhere she goes. 她到哪回头率都特高。| He has got his head in the clouds. 他一直心不在焉的。| Don't let your heart rule your head. 不要感情用事。| Heads up! 小心!
版权所有 微语录网 www.5yulu.com
本篇Wake up, sleepy head! 瞌睡虫醒醒!| Don't lose your head. 别乐昏了头。| She turns heads everywhere she goes. 她到哪回头率都特高。| He has got his head in the clouds. 他一直心不在焉的。| Don't let your heart rule your head. 不要感情用事。| Heads up! 小心!来自微语录网,更多Wa,心!相关美文请浏览微语录网。