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《美剧口语》1.I’m not being flip.我没有轻率无礼。2.I’m just pointing out a reality.我只是实话实说。3.I’m just wiped out.我实在太累了。4.I think that would confuse things.我不想因此而引起误解。5.How could we have all forgotten about this?我们怎能忘记了这事呢?
版权所有 微语录网 www.5yulu.com
本篇1.I’m not being flip.我没有轻率无礼。2.I’m just pointing out a reality.我只是实话实说。3.I’m just wiped out.我实在太累了。4.I think that would confuse things.我不想因此而引起误解。5.How could we have all forgotten about this?我们怎能忘记了这事呢?来自微语录网,更多1.,呢?相关美文请浏览微语录网。