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《美剧口语》1.I'm so relieved.我真是如释负重。2.You're not my type.你不是我喜欢的类型。3.The man was so into you.这个男人曾这么喜欢你。4.I have an announcement to make.我有事要宣布。5.You should call in sick to your job.你应该打个电话请病假。
版权所有 微语录网 www.5yulu.com
本篇1.I'm so relieved.我真是如释负重。2.You're not my type.你不是我喜欢的类型。3.The man was so into you.这个男人曾这么喜欢你。4.I have an announcement to make.我有事要宣布。5.You should call in sick to your job.你应该打个电话请病假。来自微语录网,更多1.,假。相关美文请浏览微语录网。