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《美剧口语》1.It fits the pattern.这很典型.2.She wasn't just any girl.她不是一般的女孩.3.She's big on trust.她总刨根究底.4.She will come around.她会回心转意的.5.Quit your whining.不要发牢骚了.6.Headed your way继续往前走.7.The rest comes with time剩下的顺其自然吧.—《
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本篇1.It fits the pattern.这很典型.2.She wasn't just any girl.她不是一般的女孩.3.She's big on trust.她总刨根究底.4.She will come around.她会回心转意的.5.Quit your whining.不要发牢骚了.6.Headed your way继续往前走.7.The rest comes with time剩下的顺其自然吧.—《来自微语录网,更多1.,—《相关美文请浏览微语录网。