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唯美句子 > 好词好句 > :为祖国而学习英文作文带翻译是由微语录网(www.5yulu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是为祖国而学习英文作文带翻译的正文:

Some people may say that they study just for better living conditions in the future. Others may say that they only care about high social status. But in my eyes, young people should study hard for our great homeland.
Have you ever heard of the story of Kuang Heng. His family was very poor and he was unable to buy candles. So he dug a hole in the wall and continued to read under the neighbour's light.
Now, it's unnecessary for us to worry about things just like Ouang Heng. We are given various kinds of conveniences and the best studying opportunities. Even those who can't afford to go school are supported by the Hope Project to help them go back to school. So, the Chinese children are surrounded by happiness. But, where is such happiness from? The answer is obvious. It's from our nation's prosperity.
So, I think that the most important thing in life should 1 be the benefit of ourselves but that of our nation. We should arm ourselves with knowledge in science and technology to make our nation stronger and richer. After all, without our country's prosperity and stability, we would not enjoy today's happiness and  opportunities.
Therefore, let's go all out to study for our China.


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