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影视台词 > 小品剧本 > :美式婚礼情景剧-americanwedding是由微语录网(www.5yulu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是美式婚礼情景剧-americanwedding的正文:

Scene one: meeting parents
[Bride and groom come together with their parents]
Groom’s father: Oh, Paul. It’s hard to believe that you fall in love with an Asian girl!
Paul: let me introduce. This is Daisy, my girl friend. And these are her parents. They came from China.
Bride’s parents: nice to meet you.
Groom’s mother: a Chinese girl! That’s great.
G’s father[whisper]: but I hope you to marry an American girl.
G’s mother: oh, come on. Daisy is good. I think our son can decide himself. It doesn’t matter. Let’s have some drink and continue our talk.
Scene two: ex-girlfriend
[Daisy and Paul is walking.]
Daisy: oh it’s amazing that we’re engaged and the big day is coming…
Paul: you’re right. It is amazing…
[Shadow shows up]
Shadow: engage? What do you mean.
Paul: why are you here?
Daisy: isn’t she the famous singer? You know each other?
Shadow: you’re engaged. And you will marry an Asian girl. How can your parents agree.
Daisy: what’s wrong? Race is no longer the distance and you’re not our family member.
Shadow: I was, his girlfriend.
Daisy: Paul?
Paul: sorry Daisy, I’ll explain it to you later. But may I have a talk with her first?
[Daisy leaves]
Shadow: I can never imagine that you’re going to marry an Asian girl. How can your stubborn father accept this?
Paul: my mother persuade him. Shadow, you know that I want a normal life, but you’re such a famous singer. We don’t understand each other and I don’t even know your real name. so please…
Shadow: normal life? I want a normal life, too. I thought you can help me. But you broke up with me and fell in love with that girl!
Paul: I’m sorry about it. But you’ll find someone who can really help you.
Shadow: you’re so determined.
Paul: I love her. And we’re going to marry.
Shadow: when?
Paul: next month. I hope you will come to our wedding.
[shadow keeps silent and leave]
Scene three: wedding
[daisy, her mother and the bride maid are in the room]
Daisy: [looking into the mirror]mum, I’m so nervous.
Mother: yes, yes, I know.[hurrying]  sth old, sth new…
Bride’s maid: the wedding dress is new. And how about something old?
Mother: oh yes, the old watch.[give the watch to daisy]
Daisy: yes, I’ve got it.
Mother: hurry up, hurry up!
Bride’s maid: something borrowed and something blue.
Mother: oh ,dear! I forgot it!
Bride’s maid: oh, how can you!
[shadow comes in]
Bride’s maid: hey, stop! Why are you here?
Daisy:[turn around] Shadow?
Shadow[give sth to the bride]: it’s both borrowed, and blue.
Daisy: thank you very much.
Shadow: time’s up. Be quick.
Flower girl: hey, hey! The bride is coming.
[Daisy comes to Paul with her father. Then both of them go to the minister. Best man and bride maid follow.]
Minister: Paul, do you take Daisy for your lawful wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?
Paul: I do.     
Minster: Daisy, do you take Paul for your lawful wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?
Daisy: I do. 
Minister: exchange your rings.
Paul: with this hand, i will lift your sorrows
your cup will never be empty, for i will be your wine
with this candle, i will light your way in darkness
with this ring, i ask you to be mine.
Scene four: party


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