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The Three Bears
Once upon a time, there lived a bear family in the Spring Forest. The bears loved singing. They often played in the forest. One day, a little girl was lost in the forest. She entered the bears’ house. The bears were very kind to the girl. They helped her find her way home.

剧中角色:Father Bear,Mother Bear,  Baby Bear,  Naughty Girl


剧本提供:山东省滨州市邹平县黛溪双语学校 刘霞老师


Scene One

In the three bears’ home

Father Bear: I am Father Bear. I like reading. (熊爸爸拿张报纸坐在沙发上说)

Mother Bear: I am Mother Bear. I like cooking. (熊妈妈在乘饭)

Baby Bear: I am Baby Bear. I like singing. (熊宝宝唱着歌快乐地跑到妈妈身边) Mummy, mummy, the soup is hot. Let’s go to the forest and play for a while, ok?

Mother Bear: It’s a good idea.

Father Bear: It’s a sunny day, isn’t it? Let's go.

“Sing, sing, together, merrily merrily sing……”(一家人幸福地唱着歌朝森林走去)

Scene Two

A place which is not far from the bears’ house

Naughty Girl: I am a naughty girl. I like playing by myself. But now I am lost in the forest. I feel thirsty and tired. (小女孩迷茫的望望四周,然后惊喜地大喊) A house, a house! I see a house over there! (她高兴地跑向小熊的房子)

Naughty Girl: May I come in? (小女孩轻轻地敲了敲门,把耳朵贴在门上仔细地听了听)May I come in? Maybe there is nobody in it. (她推门而入)

Mmm, mmm, what a nice smell! A-ha, some soup.

I don’t like Father Bear’s soup.

I don’t like Mother Bear’s soup.

Yummy, yummy! I like Baby Bear’s soup.

Now I’m full. I’ll have a rest. (小姑娘找到卧室发现了小熊的床) I think I like Baby Bear’s bed. (她躺在小熊的床上睡着了)

Scene Three

Father Bear: Baby, it’s time to have lunch. Let’s go home.

Baby Bear: No, no, no. We haven’t played hide and seek.

Mother Bear: We can play it another day.

Baby Bear: OK.

“Rain, rain go away. Come again another day…”(三只小熊唱着歌回家了)

Scene Four

Baby Bear: Daddy, daddy. Look! The door is open.

Father Bear: Maybe the wind blew it open.

Mother Bear: Don’t worry.

Baby Bear: Mummy, mummy. Look! My soup is empty.

Mother Bear: Maybe a cat ate it.

Father Bear: Don’t worry.

Baby Bear: Look! A pretty girl is in my bed.

Mother Bear: Hush, she is must be very tired.

(小姑娘被小熊的喊叫吵醒了,她揉揉眼睛说)“Mr. Bear, I’m very sorry. But I lost my way. Could you help me find my parents? I miss them very much. I will play with them and not go away by myself from now on.” (小女孩哭了起来)

Baby Bear: Don’t cry, please. My father is a great father. We can help you.

Little girl: Really? Thank you very much.



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