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影视台词 > 影评 > :《房间》之外的观后感是由微语录网(www.5yulu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《房间》之外的观后感的正文:

过啃书的时候抱怨为什么人发展会有这么多阶段,难道我们不都是这么一路长大的吗? 但说到关键期,SES对发展的影响,我有种一身冷汗的错觉。如果哪个环节走错一步,今天的我还会是我吗?课上播过Genie的纪录片,她在被父亲囚禁的第十三年发现,因为长时间的隔绝,基本丧失了语言能力。比起电影里的小男孩,Genie只有她自己。几周前在写作课上还和别人讨论过关键期对发展的作用。我凭着对课本的大概印象抛出几个专业术语,强调了这一概念是基于心理学的科学性,但仅仅在复述理论。今天这一回顾,看到这么一段(http://mymultiplesclerosis.co.uk/ec/genie-the-los-angeles-wild-child/):
Eric Lenneberg thought he had the answer. Susan Curtiss tells us, “Eric Lenneberg published a book called The Biological Foundation of Language. In this book he proposed the hypothesis that human language is a species specific trait that has a critical period during which it developed and outside of this critical period normal human language would not develop”.
If Lenneberg was correct it would now be too late for Genie to ever learn a language. Her brain had missed its window of opportunity.
Incredibly, the 14 year old seemed to be proving the theory wrong. Within a year of being found, she was blossoming. She delighted in the world outside her prison; she was hungry for the names of the new things she was seeing.
Susan Curtiss, professor of linguistics, tempers this apparent success “She has learned a lot of words, she has an enormous vocabulary, but language is not words, language is grammar, language is sentences. So it wasn’t that she was mentally deficient, she was deficient in the mental faculty we call grammar”.
Genie had not escaped the effects of her past so easily. She was haunted by her traumatic upbringing, trapped by memories of her ordeal and it seemed she had missed the critical window for learning language.
Today Genie is 51. She is again in psychological confinement as a ward of the state -- her sixth foster home. And again, she is speechless.


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