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影视台词 > 影评 > :《孤堡惊情》剧情分析摘录,仅作以后自己查看是由微语录网(www.5yulu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《孤堡惊情》剧情分析摘录,仅作以后自己查看的正文:

西班牙电影,年西班牙本土电影冠军~~故事情节,人物表演,气氛烘托,主题思想都堪称一流。那种恐怖的感觉有点像经典游戏《寂静岭》,恐怖的源头来自可怜的弱势群体的悲伤与绝望,(真的没什么好可怕的),这是一部歌颂亲情的电影,后来我都看得眼睛湿润了。推荐所有人都看(真的不恐怖)。因为是仁者见仁智者见智所以你可以认为电影里是真的出现了超自然现象,也可以认为是心理学上的或者潜意识的想像。 剧情有很多地方需要仔细思考,回味才能明白其中的意义与感情。以下是摘自上的(英文)剧情详解,看不懂电影的话看看这个就懂了。那个,因为这个帖子没有汉化,那我就来把它汉化了呵呵,里面夹杂了一些我的个人看法。 因为有的地方我个人也不能完全认同。
1. Laura is adopted from The Orphanage. Shortly after, the other kids discover Tomas, steal his mask (they put it in the cave), he dies, Benigna (who started working there after Laura had left) murders the children by poisoning them, (they each die a slow and painful death in their own beds) and puts their bodies in the shed. She puts the bodies into bags with chemicals (fetilizer? lye?) that decomposes them but leaves telltale evidence behind (leg braces, skulls, etc). Benigna goes into hiding and changes her name. In her grief she pushes a stroller containing the doll that represents her son. Laura从小在孤儿院长大,可能是因为她的身体比较健康所以后来被一户人家收养了而离开了孤儿院。而她的玩伴们因为身体健康上都有毛病上而没有人家收养都留在了孤儿院。在这不久,孤儿院里的几个孩子们发现了天生脸部畸形丑陋的Tomas,他们偷走了Tomas的头罩并把他放在了海滩上的洞穴里,Tomas洞穴里找他的面具,但是再也没有出来.(Tomas可能是因为被欺负了而在洞穴里赌气或者伤心,而后来因为涨潮了因此被困在了洞穴,悲惨地失了生命。我个人觉得也不能说是那5个小孩害死了Tomas,毕竟也只是小孩子的恶作剧他们也没有想过会害死Tomas,这只能是一个无责任悲剧。)Tomas的妈妈Benigna就是在孤儿院工作的女工(应该是在Laura走以后才开始工作的)可能因此怀恨在心,而用慢性毒药害死了孤儿院的5个小孩(5个小孩死得缓慢而痛苦),并把他们的尸体肢解了,混杂上碱性化学物质放进大口袋里,藏在了教堂大厅的墙壁中,但是却留下了一些痕迹(比如残疾用的破支架,以及头骨残骸)。Benigna从此离开了孤儿院,隐姓埋名。她一直深深地被失儿子的痛苦折磨,她做了一个Tomas模样的布娃娃,并把它放在婴儿车里,像对待真正的婴孩一样推着婴儿车到镇上散步。(我个人觉得也就不一定是Benigna毒死了5个小孩,5个小孩子本来身体就不好,而Benigna身为照顾他们起居的老师,甚至只需要不再履行好好照顾他们的行为,这5个脆弱的小孩很容易就会失生命。比如不给他们好好吃药。就像《寂静岭2》里的对于詹姆斯是否杀了妻子的争论,如果是对病重的妻子产生厌恶,而不好好照顾妻子,病人无论是在精神上还是身体上都会很快地死啊,这不就是某种程度上的谋杀么。Benigna对小孩子们也是如此,谋杀只是层面上的问题,我承认Benigna肯定有过虐待儿童的行为。她可能因为儿子间接被这5个小孩害死而已经被仇恨冲昏了头脑,心里上也变得极其变态,做出此种行为也是自然的了。她纵然可恨,但也很可怜。相比之下她已经比《寂静岭》里Teresa的妈妈要好多了。就算没有Benigna,在一般孤儿院里,没有任何理由地虐待那些身体不健康的孤儿们的现象也很多。说起来这个电影对这些情节的处理已经是很温柔了。)  
  2. Years later, Laura has returned, and apparently with the help of her husband, purchased the property and intends to start a school for special needs children. Their adopted son, Simon (who must have been adopted at a younger age, since he's unaware he's an orphan at the time), has imaginary friends and is HIV positive. He takes a "daily pill" (there were probably many pills, since we see Laura holding a large box of separated pills in the car scene). 很多年过了,已经结了婚的Laura在丈夫的帮助下回到了孤儿院,并准备重建被废弃的孤儿院来以此照顾身体不健康的孤儿们。Laura和丈夫也收养了一个出生就携带的HIV的孤儿Simon,(Simon对自己是孤儿并感染HIV都不知道,只是知道每天他都要吃药。)
  3. Work commences on restoring the Orphanage. The old beds are removed (placed in the attack, apparently) and replaced with new ones. Many rooms are repainted/restored, new fixtures installed, etc. The work probably took several weeks. Plenty of time for the "setup" to occur. 在重建孤儿院的过程中,陈旧的床都被焕然一新,许多房间也被重新粉刷,还添置了不少新家具。这花费了几周的时间,但是平静之下,不安的灵魂正在躁动。
  4. Simon has imaginary friends. The father dismisses it as normal and says "they will go away when the other children get here" (double-meaning, perhaps?). Simon有几个想像出来的朋友,只有他能看见,大人都看不见。但是爸爸没有在意,只是随口说“他只是想有小伙伴的地方和他们一起玩。”(这句话是双关语啊。)
  5. They are paid a visit by a social worker, Benigna. She has a "file" (stolen?) stating Simon's adoption and his HIV positive status. Laura mentions this information is "outdated" There is a place to enter a new address, so perhaps this form was simply a change of address form she stole or obtained thru the mail. She encourages them to get better care for Simon (They have new treatments, etc), and she also says they may be short-handed taking care of children there (Perhaps trying to get a job there so she can later hide evidence). Upon leaving, she maybe realizes she needs to get rid of the evidence sooner than later. Either way, both statements are aimed at delaying the opening of the school. Laura dismisses her. Benigna拿着有关Simonb病情的资料,以社区义工的身份来拜访Laura。(资料因该是她通过Email盗取的)Benigna提出应该让Simon受到更好的治疗但是被Laura拒绝了。(其实Benigna也许只是想在Laura 家找一份工作,而趁机把那些留下来的痕迹销毁而以防自己犯罪的事情被暴露。)Laura 一直忙着重建孤儿院,并没有把Benigna放在心上。
  5. A visit to the beach and cave. Simon apparently meets the spirit of Tomas in the cave, leaves a trail of shells. The next morning, the shells are found stacked outside the front door. 当Laura带Simon海滩上的洞穴玩耍时,很明显地Simon 看见了Tomas 的灵魂,并在回家的路上留下了一路的贝壳,这些贝壳在第二天早晨都堆在了孤儿院的门口。
  6. Simon begins making drawings of 6 children, one with a sack on its head. Simon now apparently has six imaginary friends, but doesn't get very specific about their names, etc. Tomas seems to be the only one he has any real knowlege of. Simon画了6个小孩子的画(即是Laura的5个玩伴和Tomas),现在Simon 应该是已经和他们成为了好朋友了,但是除了Tomas以外并不确定他们的名字。
  7. The first "coins" game. Simon has created this game to lead to the desk drawer. While creating (setting up) the game, he discovers the file. Although he doesn't understand what HIV is, he realizes he is sick, and, that he's adopted. 第一次的硬币游戏。Simon 发明了这个游戏,并在这个过程中发现了关于自己病情的文件。虽然他并不明白HIV是什么,但是他意识到了他生了病,并且是被收养的。
  8. The day of the opening/party. Simon wants to play another game, (involving the doorknob, which he left in his treasure chest as part of the game) but mom dismisses him (hits him). In his anger, he goes down to the hidden room, (he left the door open) dresses up in the clothes he finds down there (the mask, clothing, etc). Leaves the door open, Scares his mom, then returns to the hidden room to wait for her to figure out the riddle. 在孤儿院的建成庆祝宴会那天,Simon想玩另一个游戏(其中包括那个门把手,以及装着他宝藏的柜子。)但是妈妈Laura完全没有理会他并且还打了他。Simon十分委屈而生气,他没有锁门,然后跑了那个他早就发现了的地下室。他穿上了在地下室发现的衣服以及头罩(其实都是Tomas的衣服),然后报复性地惊吓了Laura,然后又回到了地下室,等着妈妈Laura来参与他的游戏并亲自来找到他。(其实我个人觉得,这里也可以理解成那个头罩小孩其实是Tomas的灵魂,因为Tomas曾经在那个地下室居住过,他恐吓Laura也许是为Tomas鸣不平。因为Tomas小时候就被Benigna强制地关在屋子里。唉谁让Tomas是个可怜的畸形儿呢,他的命运也许注定了只能非常凄惨。)
  During the "search" she opens the doorway under the stairs and knocks the scaffolding against the hidden door, shutting it/locking it. She frantically runs down to the beach and the cave and momentarily sees the image of Tomas (the clothes resemble the outfit Simon has taken). At this point she does not know Tomas is deformed under the mask, so the image she sees IS Simon dressed in those clothes. Whether this is real or imagined, it's never explained. Laura在寻找Simon的过程中无意地撞倒了金属支架,她把支架重新摆放好(不幸的是支架恰好堵死了地下室的门。)因为找不到儿子,Laura疯狂地冲向了海滩寻觅儿子的踪迹,并且隐隐约约在洞穴口看见了头罩小孩的身影。因为Laura不知道Tomas,她以为那个是Simon。到底这是真实出现了的还是想像出来的,谁也无法解释了。
  9. Simon soon realizes he might be stuck down there and starts banging on the walls. Several days pass. Because of her leg injury, mom is stuck upstairs, and dad, who we know is a hard sleeper 'I'll go, its my turn', doesn't hear the pounding. She's lying in bed, hears the pounding, and hears Simon falling through the broken railing, but of course doesn't connect it. She finds the doll but doesn't connect it with the doorknob game or his disappearance.
  Noises lead her to the she where she finds Benigna with a shovel. Simon 不久便意识到了他被困在了地下室,他开始敲打墙壁。接下来几天后,Laura都听到了这些声响,那些Simon 敲打墙壁的声音,以及Simon从长年失修的楼梯上掉下来的声音。但是她并没有把这些现象有机地联系起来。后来她发现了那些布娃娃但是他并有想到这和Simon 的门把手游戏有关,还有和Simon 消失有关。  
  10. Car crash incident, leading to the discovery about Tomas and Begnigna. 因为那个车祸, Tomas 与 Begnigna的过浮出了水面。
  11. The Medium pays a visit and discovers the "ghost children". She later says that they aren't truly spirits, but something "left behind" that only certain people can see. In her trance-like state she can see the past (the evidence of the lighthouse and the changed furnishings of the house). However, she does not see Simon because Simon has died in the cellar and for whatever reason she never even goes downstairs. 一位灵媒受邀来到孤儿院,接触那些小孩子的灵魂。灵媒说道,他们并不是什么真正的鬼魂,而只是被留在这个孤儿院的一些“意识”,只有特定的人才能接触到。灵媒在被催眠的状态下走进了过的小孩子们的房间(证据是那个时候的灯塔还亮着,以及家具都还没有改变)。但是她没有看见Simon,可能因为是Simon已经死在了地下室,而灵媒并没有地下室。
  12. The Medium tells the mother that people who are close to death or are dying can sometimes see things regular people can't. 灵媒告诉Laura有时已死亡靠得很进的人可能会看见一些一般人不能看见的东西。
  13. "Doorknob Game" - Still looking for the answer to the doorknob mystery, she discovers a clue left behind by Benigna and discovers the bodies, but she still has not solved Simon's game. Laura在继续的门把手游戏的探索中,发现了那些被Benigna害死的小孩子的尸体,但是她仍然没有解开她儿子的游戏的谜题。
  14. The husband says he will no longer stay in the house. Laura asks for just two more days to "say goodbye". She takes many many pills through the course of the next 48 hours. She restores the children's room and the dining area. . 丈夫劝Laura离开孤儿院一段时间,但是Laura坚持她要在孤儿院单独呆两天。她服用了大量的药物,并且还原了孩子们原来房间的样子,自己传上了孤儿院女工的衣服,还摘了小时候大家吃的黑莓,让5个布娃娃坐在桌前,给她们每个的盘子里放上了黑莓,完完全全还原了她小时候和5个小孩子在一起的时候的情景。(看到Laura为了找到自己的儿子,如此执着,坚忍的努力着,真的很为这份伟大的母爱感动。)
  What happens next is open for discussion whether it was imagined or real. In her state of shock (after discovering the bodies), anything could have really happened. She discovers the children (knock knock game from her past), gets locked in the room under the stairs, discovers the secret door, goes downstairs, perhaps now in a trance state does not notice the broken railing, goes down and imagines she's found Simon. Again, what the Medium says is that sometimes a trace of something gets left behind, and people who are close to death can see this. 接下来发生的事可能就要看大家各自的见解了,谁也说不清着到底是真实的,还是只是想像。Laura用小时候玩过的木头人的游戏引出了小孩子们,并在小孩子的指引下找到了地下室,顺着楼梯而下找到了还活着的Simon .(其实这时楼梯已经断了,只能说明Laura已经是处于一种无意识的催眠状态下了,或者说应证了那位灵媒的话,接近死亡的人可以看见那些已经逝了的事物留下的“痕迹”。)
  She awakens from her trance state and finds his corpse and realizes what really happened. She takes his body back up to the kid's room and overdoses on her pills, she removes the medal her husband gave her. She "awakens" to find the other children and her son, Simon and begins to read them a story. 当她从催眠状态中醒来,她发现她怀中抱的是儿子的尸体,才明白了到底发生的什么。她抱着Simon 回到了小孩子们吃黑莓的那个房间,又吃下了大量的药物,放回了那个丈夫给她的金属饰物(表明她已经找回了亲爱的儿子。)她这是看到了5个小伙伴而儿子都站在了她的眼前,Simon 开始给大家讲故事。(看到Laura的小伙伴抚摸着已经长大了的Laura的脸庞,高兴的说“啊,是Laura,你们快过来啊”,大家相拥在一起,还笑着说着彼得.潘的故事,说Laura真的长大了,像彼得.潘里的温蒂一样长大了,结婚了,而彼得.潘还是永远长不大的时候,我真是感动得要哭了。想来只有Laura离开了孤儿院,脱离了这个像魔窟一般的地方,她长大了。而其他小孩子真的是再也长不大了。这些小孩子们真的很可怜,他们没有一个正常的健康的身体,不能像其他孩子一样正常的长大,就让我们祝愿他们都住到了彼得.潘的永无岛上,像彼得.潘一般永远也长不大,过着快乐的生活吧。)
  Story ends with Laura's husband at her memorial site with the names of the children, Tomas, Laura and Simon. In the upstairs room he finds the medal left behind, smiles. End of film.在故事的结尾,丈夫来祭拜了Laura和孩子们的墓,并在地下室口看见了别留下的那个金属饰物,他露出了笑容。(他明白了妻子找到了儿子,所以露出了幸福的笑容吧。)
  The entire film functions without any supernatural occurances. The entire end sequence was either imagined, brought on by stress and high amounts of psychological drugs, or if you prefer, leads to a "happy ending" she imagines in her last few minutes of her life. 整部电影并没有什么超自然的情节刻画,那些事件应该都是被想像出来的,或者说是在大量药物的效用下出现的一种心理学层面上的或者潜意识的感知。再或者,你愿意的话,你也可以把最后几分钟的情节看作是Laura在药物作用下想像出来的“幸福的结局”。
嗯嗯,汉化完成。真是感触颇多。的确这部电影没有在任何地方标榜了“我是一部鬼片”,我也觉得它并不是一部鬼片。如果硬要算作恐怖片的话,那么优秀的恐怖片,都是在人类的意识与潜意识的交接处进行的,即是现实的揭露,又是心灵的探索。但是其中的亲情,确实绝对真切又深刻的存在着,让我们为之动容。这些真的与《寂静岭》很像,但是要比《寂静岭》温和得多。《寂静岭》《Monster》等里不仅毫无理由地(或者是因为万恶的政治因素)虐待儿童,还用儿童谋取利益,这才是真正的法西斯。 我对结局还有一些想法:Laura虽然服用药物而死,但是她是幸福的。当她发现了她害死的儿子,虽然是间接的,但是对于这份足以摧毁她的罪恶感让她是绝对不会独自活下的。她在虚幻的意识中,和儿子,和童年的伙伴在一起,已经洗清了她对儿子的负罪感,并且让小伙伴们作者七夜


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