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影视台词 > 影评 > :《金衣女人》被纳粹掳走的画作如今挂着美国博物馆里是由微语录网(www.5yulu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是《金衣女人》被纳粹掳走的画作如今挂着美国博物馆里的正文:

  Simon Curtis’ legal drama, "Woman in Gold," is based on the true story of an American Jewish refugee from Austria who fights to reclaim a famous Gustav Klimt painting stolen from her family by the Nazis during World War II. It's a haunting film that speaks to the hearts of millions who have sought to reclaim their past, stripped from them 70 years ago. VOA's Penelope Poulou reports.
  Fifteen years ago, Maria Altman hired a young lawyer, a family friend, to help her sue the Austrian government to recover the painting, which was on display at the Belvedere Museum in Vienna, home to the world's largest Klimt collection.
  15年以前,Maria Altman雇佣了一位年轻律师帮助她向奥地利政府诉讼讨回名画。这幅画在维也纳的美景宫博物馆展出,这里拥有世界上最丰富的克林姆化作藏品。
  The film portrays the Austrian curator as an arrogant, unyielding man who refuses to return the painting to Altman because he believes the painting belongs to Austria.
  A local Austrian journalist tells Altman her chances of getting the painting back were infinitesimal because "Woman in Gold" was the Mona Lisa of Vienna. But for Altman, it was a family portrait of her Aunt Adele.
  Filmmaker Curtis intersperses flashbacks of the dramatic last days before Altman’s escape from Vienna during the Nazi rule in 1938, with scenes of the contemporary courtroom drama.
  Curtis’ film also addresses the much larger issue of victims’ need for justice rendered, even 70 years after the Holocaust.
  “One of the important messages in this film is that we must remember what happened,” he said. “The 21st century is a very complicated and unstable place right now, and it is important to remember some of the lessons and some of the terrible mistakes that were made in the 20th century.”
  Curtis says he took exceptional care to accurately depict scenes from the persecution of the Jews in Austria on the eve of WWII.
  “We did our best to be as authentic as possible when we were recreating the hideous events of 1938 Vienna. We actually recreated documentary photographs and video of the Germans coming to town, so we did our best to give it as an authentic feel as possible.”
  10. Helen Mirren offers a textured performance as the refined and spirited octogenarian Maria Altman.
  Helen Mirren在片中精细的演绎了优雅坚强的老人Maria Altman
  Ryan Reynolds plays Randol Schoenberg, an untried attorney in international law at the time, who in 1998 took the case against Austria to the U.S. Supreme Court, and won. Today, Schoenberg is president of the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles. He continues his efforts to reclaim art stolen from Jewish families.
  Ryan Reynolds 饰演 Schoenberg,一个当时在国际法辩护中并没有经验的年轻律师。他于1998年接下了此案向美国最高法庭诉讼奥地利政府,并取得了胜利。 Schoenberg如今是洛杉矶Holocaust博物馆的主席。他一直为帮助犹太家庭讨回被剥夺的艺术品而努力。
  “Immediately after the war, people didn’t concentrate on material things,” he explained. “It was rebuilding lives, finding loved ones, figuring out what had happened to them, so I think it did take time for these other issues to subside and for people to focus on the few things that they still could get back and art works are, seven decades later, one of the few things that we can still do something about.”
  The world's costliest artwork, Gustav Klimt's portrait of a Viennese lady from 1907 "Adele Bloch-Bauer I," left, hangs in New York's Neue Galerie Museum for German and Austrian Art after being unveiled by its new owner, cosmetics magnate Ronald Lauder, fa
  这全世界的无价之宝,Klimt与1907年画下的维也纳女士“明华艾蒂儿”如今被挂在纽约 Neue Galerie博物馆的德国与奥地利艺术馆,由化妆品大亨Ronald Lauder为期揭幕。


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